Maundy Thursday April 17 6:30pm
Good Friday April 18 6:30pm

Winthrop United Methodist Church now accepts
on-line donations at the following link:
Welcome to the Winthrop United Methodist Church
I hope you find our website helpful as you get to know us. We are a vital congregation, discovering new life in Jesus Christ through a fun, meaningful, and loving community. As we journey together with God, we become a place of healing and transformation bringing the love of God to our community and beyond. “Love God & Love People!”
Pastor Ned S. Crockett
Live Streaming Available
Recent Services
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Ash Wednesday m/live/MS5Ytrbw0_8?feature=share
Blanket Sunday
Blanket Sunday ministry is an easy way for churches to participate in a broad-reaching mission to provide our neighbors that are experiencing poverty, displacement or disaster with a warm blanket to comfort them in their time of need.
Mechuwana offers Youth Programs, Summer Camps, a wonderful meeting space, and more. WUMC supports Mechuwana with workdays, and welcomes many Mechuwana visitors at our worship services in the summer.
Nicaraguan School Children
WUMC supports the education of school children from our sister church in Nicaragua by providing funds for tuition, uniforms, and school supplies. Education, especially proficiency in English, is essential to rising out of poverty in Nicaragua.
Prayer Shawls, Blankets, and Squares
Folks in the church who knit or crochet create hand-made blankets, shawls, and squares to be given to newborn babies and anyone suffering from injury or illness. The people who make these items pray for the recipients; love and care in every stitch. To get more information, contact the Church Office at 207-377-8620 or via email.
Tabitha's Closet
Tabitha's Closet is a free clothing ministry of the Winthrop United Methodist Church. It is located on the church property at 72 Main Street and is open at 8:00 a.m. and closes at noon on the second and fourth Saturdays of each month. High-quality used clothing is available for men, women, and children. All items are donated and the closet is run totally by volunteers from the church and community. In addition to its regular schedule, Tabitha's Closet occasionally has surplus Saturday’s. For more information, visit the Tabitha's Closet website.
Wonder Awhile Nursery School (WANS)
Wonder Awhile Nursery School has been a mission of Winthrop United Methodist Church for almost sixty years. To learn more about this wonderful nursery school program for three and four-year-old’s, visit their website,, or visit our WANS page to learn more about the history of the school and its connection with WUMC.
Resources & Links
The Winthrop United Methodist Church exists as part of multiple communities: our local community, as we have members of our congregation from Winthrop, Readfield, Monmouth, and beyond; as well as:
our membership in local spiritual communities including the Jesse Lee Cluster and the Winthrop Area Ministerial Association;
our global community, including our Sister Church in Nicaragua and our work with Heifer International and Nothing But Nets;
and our connections to fellow United Methodists, including UMCOR, Tres Dias weekends, Camp Mechuwana, and The Upper Room Devotional.
Local Links
Camp Mechuwana: offers Youth Programs, Summer Camps, a wonderful meeting space, and more. WUMC supports Mechuwana with workdays and welcomes many Mechuwana visitors at our worship services in the summer.
Jesse Lee Cluster: is comprised of twelve United Methodist churches in the greater Augusta area who come together to be involved in cooperative ministry.
Tres Dias: Tres Dias weekends are held several times throughout the year at Camp Mechuwana. The Tres Dias Movement endeavors to bring Christians to a closer, more personal walk with their Lord Jesus Christ and encourage them to Christian leadership.
Global Links
Bible Gateway: the Bible, searchable by passage or topic, in a variety of versions and languages. A very valuable resource.
Heifer International: Heifer's mission is to work with communities to end hunger and poverty and care for the earth. Visit their website to read success stories, learn about Heifer's approach, and learn how you can get involved.
Nothing But Nets: is a global, grassroots campaign to save lives by preventing malaria, a leading killer of children in Africa. The Campaign was inspired by ESPN columnist Rick Reilly, who challenged each of his readers to donate at least $10 for the purchase of an anti-malaria bed net. To date, tens of thousands of people have joined the campaign that was created by the UN Foundation in 2006.
Rethink Church: is a spiritual place for you to question, discuss, get involved and make a difference!
The United Methodist Church: official online ministry website, with information about the United Methodist Church, our faith, UMC missions, and so much more!
The Upper Room Devotional: in order to support the extended family of Christ, The Upper Room offers spiritual resources for believers of all ages.
UMCOR: The United Methodist Committee on Relief website shares the good news of the amazing work they are doing around the world, and how you can support them. 100% of all donations are spent on programs. UMCOR's mission is to alleviate human suffering—whether caused by war, conflict, or natural disaster—with open minds and hearts to all people.
United Methodist Federal Credit Union: Any person attending Winthrop United Methodist Church is eligible for credit union membership and services. The website is a great reference as it offers so much more information than any poster or brochure can provide.