Serve & Belong
Project Linus donations ready to be blessed
Winthrop United Methodist Church offers many ways for people to make a difference with their lives, to connect with fellow Christians, and to grow spiritually:
through our missions work
community outreach
fun & fellowship
teamwork within the church
To get involved, read on, and call or email the Church Office to get information about the contact people listed below!
Church Teams & Committees
A lot of our church's work is done through our teams and committees. Not all of the people who attend WUMC belong to a church team or committee, but many people do. Of those who don't serve on a team, many offer their time and talents for certain events or short-term projects.
To find out how to get in touch with a Committee Chair, call the church office at 207-377-8620, or send an email.
The Blessings Team responds to individual and family practical needs and plans social activities. They set-up and/or provide rides and meals to families who need them. They also help sponsor Tabitha's Closet, which offers free clothes, toys, and other items twice a year to people who need them. All interested in attending a meeting are welcome!
Chris O'Connell and Lynda Pratt co-chair the Blessings Team.
Christian Education
The Christian Education Team is responsible for all aspects of children’s and adult education. They also work on special events for children, like Vacation Bible School, the Indoor Beach Party, and the Advent Party, as well as sponsoring Small Group Studies for adults. All interested in attending a meeting are welcome!
Lynda Pratt is the Chair of the Christian Education Team.
Church Council
The Church Council is the administrative body of the church. This committee looks at the "big picture" while also overseeing the work done by all of the other committees. The Committee Chairs and Co-Chairs attend Council meetings, as well as Members-at-Large. All interested in attending a meeting are welcome, though only the Church Council members can vote.
Alden Small is the Chair of the Church Council.
The Fellowship Team sponsors a number of events that bring the church community together to share food, fun, and fellowship. The team also provides refreshments every Sunday during Coffee Cafe.
Linda Allen is the Chair of the Fellowship Team.
The Finance Team is responsible for work on the church finance and budget. All interested in attending a meeting are welcome!
Marty Allen is the Chair of the Finance Team.
Staff-Pastor-Parish Relations Committee (SPRC)
The Staff-Pastor-Parish Relations Committee, also known as SPRC, is responsible for anticipating, addressing, and resolving issues among the various relationships within the church. These meetings are private and confidential.
Amy Dolan is the Chair of SPRC.
The Stewardship Team encourages the congregation to use their gifts and talents wisely. All interested in attending a meeting are welcome!
Our trustees are responsible for the maintenance of the church, the parsonage, and 72 Main Street. Work days to maintain and improve these properties are an important part of trustee work. All interested in attending a meeting are welcome!
Bill Buck is the Chair of Trustees.
The Worship Team is responsible for the worship service. They also work on special services throughout the year, like Lenten or Advent services. All interested in attending a meeting are welcome!
Barbara Hamblin is Chair of the Worship Team.
And That’s Not All . . .
Community Outreach
Winthrop United Methodist Church is involved in several community outreach projects, including Wonder Awhile Nursery School and Tabitha's Closet. The church also has a Prayer Shawl Ministry; supports the Winthrop Food Pantry and Hot Meals Kitchen, Camp Mechuwana, Heifer International, and offers Vacation Bible School to all community children. The community also enjoys the church's annual Harvest Supper and bi-annual Whale of a Sale.
Prayer Chain
Our worship service includes a time to share personal "Joys and Concerns" with the congregation. We recognize that sometimes a person is unable to attend a service, or they wish to have a joy or concern shared only among our "prayer warriors" through our email Prayer Chain.
If you would like to request prayers for yourself or your loved ones, please contact the Church Office via email or at 377-8620. If you have a spiritual matter you would like to discuss with the pastor, please contact Pastor Ned Crockett via email.
WUMC Travels
The Winthrop United Methodist Church travels! The church has organized several bus trips to the Sight and Sound Theater in Pennsylvania's Amish Country. Several church members have visited our sister church in Sabana Grande, Nicaragua. The youth have visited the Emera Planetarium on the UMO campus, and other adventures are in the works!