Sunday School Year Schedule
• Nursery care is available for children 4 and under.
• Children through third grade are invited to go to Arktivities after the Children's Message, or may stay with their parents for the service.
• Nursery care is available for children 4 and under.
Summer Schedule
10:00 am | Worship Service in the upstairs sanctuary. |
11:00 am | Coffee Cafe follows the service in Fellowship Hall. This is a great way to meet some new friends and enjoy a time of fellowship with your church family. |
Handicapped access is available via an elevator to the sanctuary and Sunday School classrooms on the second floor. The elevator is located on the ground level, through the side door (Wonder Awhile Nursery School entrance), near the handicapped parking.
Communion is served every Sunday during the church service. We use the method of intinction (dipping in a communal cup) and serve bread and grape juice. Gluten-free bread and juice cups are also available for those with food allergies. All are welcome to take part in communion.
Prayer Chain
Our worship service includes a time to share personal "Joys and Concerns" with the congregation. We recognize that sometimes a person is unable to attend a service, or they wish to have a joy or concern shared only among our "prayer warriors" through our email Prayer Chain. If you would like to request prayers for yourself or your loved ones, please contact the Church Office, at 377-8620 or via email. If you have a spiritual matter you would like to discuss with the pastor, please contact Pastor Ned Crockett via email.
St. Richard's Prayer
Thanks be to you, our Lord Jesus Christ,
for all the benefits which you have given us,
for all the pains and insults which you have borne for us.
Most merciful Redeemer, Friend, and Brother,
may we know you more clearly, love you more dearly,
and follow you more nearly, day by day. Amen.
Learn with Us
Adult Study Programs
Adult Study programs are a series of classes on a variety of topics.
Adult Sunday School runs from early fall through mid-to-late spring. Our well-equipped nursery is staffed by 2 adults during Sunday morning worship and education times, as well as during selected special events and studies. Please contact the Church Office at 377-8620 if you have questions about childcare.
Dawn Patrol is a Bible Study Group that takes place in the Upper Room and via Zoom on Monday mornings at 7:30 a.m.. This group uses a variety of books to learn more about the Bible and Jesus’ life. Anyone interested in more information may contact Lynda Pratt at prattlynda18@gmail.com or 377-8748.
Men’s Bible Study group meets on Tuesday mornings at 8:00 a.m. in the Upper Room. This group uses the Lectionary as their Study Guide. Anyone interested in attending is welcome.
For more information about Adult Study classes, or any of these small groups, please contact the church office via email or by calling 377-8620.
Check News & Events for upcoming classes & special programs!
Childcare & Ark-tivities
Nursery care is available during the Sunday worship service at no charge, for children from infant to age 4. The nursery is equipped with fun, age-appropriate toys, and staffed by paid church employees.
Ark-Tivities, a time of engaging worship-related crafts and games, is available for children from kindergarten through third grade during the worship service. Children who are going to Ark-tivities stay in the service until after the Children's Message, when Ark-tivities begin.
Children of all ages, from babies-in-arms on up, are also welcome to stay with their parents during the service. While we have childcare facilities available if you care to use them, we understand that some parents and children are more comfortable together and that some parents desire to have their children stay for the service at an earlier age.
Camp Mechuwana, located on Holmes Road in Winthrop, has an exciting program for children and youth throughout the summer and periodically during the rest of the year. Information is available at www.mechuwana.com.
Vacation Bible School
Vacation Bible School may be offered during April School Vacation week. This event is for children Pre-K through Fifth Grade and runs Tuesday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. For more information please contact the Church Office