Wonder Awhile Nursery School
Wonder Awhile Nursery School (WANS) is a child’s world, offering meaningful educational experiences suited to the maturity level and physical development of our students. Because playing is the child’s natural way of learning, (it is his work), a good nursery school creates a challenging environment and activities geared to the physical, mental, and social development of young children. This is recognized by those deeply concerned about early childhood education to be the best preparation for the years ahead.
Wonder Awhile History
I am pleased to be asked to pen a message about Winthrop United Methodist Church (WUMC) and Wonder Awhile Nursery School (WANS) because I had the privilege in 1964 of being the co-founder. The idea of starting WANS was born in a study-prayer-sharing group out of concerns for the need for a ministry for young children and their families in the Winthrop area. At that time there was no nursery school closer than Augusta, and that wasn't well planned for preschooler's developmental needs. The dream quickly spread and became reality. WANS has provided an important step on the road of lifelong learning. It has been our mission to honor, support, and educate both young children and their families. I was proud of WANS then and it has done nothing but improve over the years. Our high standards were set long before nursery schools were required to be licensed. In fact, we became a model from which statewide standards began to be developed!
~ Priscilla Small
WANS & Winthrop United Methodist Church
Because Wonder Awhile is a mission of outreach to the Winthrop area, the church provides their space without cost. In return, WANS makes a donation to the church of 5% of tuition income to help with utilities. WANS pays their Director and teachers' salaries, provides their own janitorial service, pays for their supplies and equipment, and often helps with major maintenance needs. WANS' Parent Board of Directors plans fundraisers and works tirelessly with other parents to earn money for scholarship funds and to keep tuition low. (Scholarships of 1\2 tuition are given to children of families who fall under WIC guidelines).
One large piece of equipment parents have raised money for is the Cedar Works playground set which both church and nursery school children love. It provides great exercise and large muscle development as well as creative play and just plain fun. WUMC provides liaisons who serve on the WANS Board and report to Church Council to keep parishioners up-to-date on nursery school affairs.
Come and visit. You will be glad you did!
~ Priscilla Small